
Adam's Complaint

Denise Levertov

Some people, 
no matter what you give them,
still want the moon.

The bread, 
the salt, 
white meat and dark,
still hungry.

The marriage bed 
and the cradle,
still empty arms.

You give them land, 
their own earth under their feet,
still they take to the roads

And water: dig them the deepest well, 
still it’s not deep enough
to drink the moon from. 

The Candidate

They did their best
to keep the marginals
from the Candidate.

The children.
The sick.
The possessed.

 For a moment
they let down
their guard,
 and find Him
dining with sinners.

And the Twelve
with Him
"How is this guy 
ever gonna be 
our Messiah?"



how the Arsonist
thought He
was gonna
cause a revolution.

All will burn
then turn
and be reborn.

His first attempt
was a fizzle.

And before 
going on the lam,
He sent His Spirit
down to set off
 a global warming.

And from His hideout,
only the Arsonist
appreciates the sad irony.

 His followers
hearing His story
in quiet,
air conditioned comfort. 

Good morning - Midnight!

Emily Dickinson

Good morning—Midnight!
I'm coming home,
Day—got tired of me—
How could I—of him?

Sunshine was a sweet place—
I liked to stay—
But Morn—didn't want me—now—
So good night—Day!

I can look—can’t I—
When the East is Red?
The Hills—have a way—then—
That puts the Heart—abroad—

You are not so fair—Midnight—
I chose—Day—
But—please take a little Girl—
He turned away!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam trans. Edward Henry Whinfield 1883

In a lone waste I saw a debauchee,  
He had no home, no faith, no heresy,  
No God, no truth, no law, no certitude;  
Where in this world is man so bold as he? 



Stephen Dunn (2012)

The Lord woke me in the middle of the night,
and there stood Jesus with a huge tray,
and the tray was heaped with cookies,
and He said, Stephen, have a cookie,

and that's when I knew for sure the Lord
is the real deal, the Man of all men,
because at that very moment
I was thinking of cookies, Vanilla Wafers

to be exact, and there were two
Vanilla Wafers in among the chocolate
chips and the lemon ices, and one
had a big S on it, and I knew it was for me,

and Jesus took it off the tray and put it
in my mouth, as if He were giving me
communication, or whatever they call it.
Then He said, Have another,

and I tell you I thought a long time before I
refused, because I knew it was a test
to see if I was a Christian, which means
a man like Christ, not a big ole hog.