
A Sham Argument

Someone will say: "You have faith, I have works." (Vs 18)

This unidentified person
has wasted so much time
for Christians.

Debating whether 
the gift of
eternal life rests on 
or both.

God grants 
all who believe
in the saving power
of the Cross
and Resurrection 
eternal life.

Jesus gives
to all
who are
born from above,
born again,
slain in the Lamb
another gift.

The gift of the Holy Spirit.

And that gift 
in a transformed life
will be evidence of  
those who
  will receive the 
reward of
eternal life. 

The sola fide
give the impression
 that works 
are a 
checklist to go to heaven.

Instead, it is
(in the third person of the Trinity)
your weaknesses 
so you 
can do His will
on earth. 

The works alone assembly
(a much smaller crowd)
work on their projects
as if they were going submit
their resume 
to the Almighty.

All this talk
of work
and deeds
is making me tired.

Thank you for
Your yoke is light.

Walk with me
the rest of 
my days
as I do Your will.
Today on earth
and for eternity
in Paradise. Amen.

“The Vacation”

Wendell Berry

Once there was a man who filmed his vacation.
He went flying down the river in his boat
with his video camera to his eye, making
a moving picture of the moving river
upon which his sleek boat moved swiftly
toward the end of his vacation. He showed
his vacation to his camera, which pictured it,
preserving it forever: the river, the trees,
the sky, the light, the bow of his rushing boat
behind which he stood with his camera
preserving his vacation even as he was having it
so that after he had had it he would still
have it. It would be there. With a flick
of a switch, there it would be. But he
would not be in it. He would never be in it.