
Ain’t never been there,but the brochure looks nice

(Numbers chapters 13 and 14)

They selected one from each clan
to achieve Yahweh’s plan
to go locate the Promise Land.

After forty nights and days
They returned amazed.
They returned surprised.
This place was better than advertised.

However, there was one problem.
“Oh we hate to be contrarians
When we stand next to the barbarians
We’re barely as tall as their left nut.”

From the Judah tribe,
Caleb said, “Let’s go in! I feel God’s vibe.”
Instead the former slaves had a fit,
“We’re going back to Egypt!”

Joshua and Caleb appealed one more time.
“Stop acting like being brave is a crime.
Stop being afraid.
With God, this will be a parade.”

The minority report was rejected.
Rocks suitable for stoning were selected.
Then guess who busts in to meet the nation?
Yes, the original Godfather doesn’t need an invitation.

“You made Me come down from My Kingdom,
Because you don’t understand the concept of freedom.
Moses, I ain’t joking!
I AM ready to some serious smoting!”

Moses said to the Omnipotent,
“Yahweh, The infidels will shout:
“That god of Israel is incompetent!
Freed his people and then let everything go south!””

The Supreme Being reconsidered.
“ OK. This is My command:
No one
except the kin of Caleb and the son of Nun
will enter Graceland.

They will all die in the wilderness.
For 40 years
Lost will be their address.”

Moses relayed the announcement.
After hearing this, the refugees began to lament,
“We’re the Chosen, not the Exiled,
God can’t treat us like a red headed stepchild!”

And before the sunrise
Much to Moses’ surprise.
Some of them got on the plateau
and said “We ready to go!”

“You just don’t get it, don’t you?
God is not with you!
I’m not coming aboard,
You are all gonna die by the sword!”

They ignored the advice
They left saying,
“We’ll call you when we reach Paradise.”

You know the rest of the tale.
It was worse than being in the belly of a whale.
Blood spilled from
and finally stopping
at exit 45
in Hormah.



(Acts 2)

They all got together/And before the prayer

In came in the wind/In came the fire

And created a polyglot choir.

Then they were not bashful./To proclaim the Gospel

That salvation can come to the lost

to all the attendees of the Pentecost.

A troll stated,/“You guys gotta be inebriated!”

Peter replied, “ They are drunk on a different Spirit,

you dumb punk!”

Listen well to the prophet Joel:

At the end,/God will send

on those who recognize Him as Lord

His Spirit.

They will inherit the reward


Life without limit.

The young will tell of what’s going down.

The old will dream dreams unbound.

Slaves will tell of the sun being dark as mud.

They will tell of the moon the color of blood.


Those who believed /and perceived

the signs,

They will receive

an invitation to the Celebration.

Jesus was the man/ who carried out God’s plan

By showing who is the great I AM.

Instead of accepting your Messiah,

You yelled, “Crucify ya!”

But God stepped in /and killed death and sin.

So the crowd asked “What can we do?”

Peter replied:

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you.

This is for the forgiveness of sin.

Also ask the Holy Spirit to dwell within.”

Three thousand felt the indwelling.

Sold all their bling.

Shared everything.

And started living.


Knowing by Padraig J. Daly

We know how stars divide,
How atoms race and run,
How the first explosion
Sent the planets hurtling.
How there is a maw in the spheres,
Lurking to swallow everything.

And miss the small perfection
Of a bird alighting,
Dilettante butterfly,
The oak over the river
Sheltering the sensitive fish.

And sometimes
If we fold ourselves
Into that quiet and wait,
The Other comes,
Touching us with madness
And certitude.


Victim of the storm

"If you work the words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who dug deep and laid the foundation of his house on bedrock. When the river burst its banks and crashed against the house, nothing could shake it; it was built to last. But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a dumb carpenter who built a house but skipped the foundation. When the swollen river came crashing in, it collapsed like a house of cards. It was a total loss." (Message)

“The way of fools seems right to them.” Proverbs 12:15a (NIV)

Built on sand.
Saved a few grand.
Until the storm.
Until the storm.

Financed by a sub-prime.
Plan to flip it in ten months time.
Until the storm.
Until the storm.

My love left me.
I waved goodbye on the porch.
As the storm approached.
As the storm approached.

Outgo exceeded income.
The neighborhood is turning into a slum.
As the storm howled its warning.
As the storm howled its warning.

The waters drove me up a tree.
The river drove the house to the sea.
And then the storm ceased to be .
And then the storm ceased to be.

Stuck in a FEMA trailer.
A failure.
Got foreclosed on the loan.
All alone.
A victim of the storm.
A victim of the storm.
A victim of the storm.