
Waiting on the world to change


Do as I do

Meditation on Matthew 25:35-36

For I was hungry
and you fed Me
as I provided manna in the desert.
For I was thirsty
and you gave Me something to drink
as I showed the abandoned Hagar a well in the desert.
I was naked
and you gave Me clothes
as I did with Adam and Eve.
I was sick
and you looked after Me
as I took care of a faithful Job.
I was in prison
and you came to see Me
as I heard the cries of My exodus people.
The King said
Follow My example
and do the same.

Verse 1- Exodus 16
Verse 2- Genesis 21:19
Verse 3- Genesis 3:21
Verse 4- Job 2:6
Verse 5- Exodus 2:23-24


You can't walk away from the price you pay

(Matthew 14:45-46)

The Kingdom of God is like a pearl
That you would pay everything you had in the world.
Would you show off your treasure every day?
Or keep it safe knowing the price you paid?
Or would you wait for the time
When you could buy it on sale?