Showing posts with label miss vz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miss vz. Show all posts


It's not the way that you say it

Jesus asked, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”
Luke 10:26
(Based on this video)

We asked a beautiful woman,
"If you could make a new law,
what would it be?"

She answered,
"I think that any laws
(there are in Constitution or in life,)
are already made.

I think that we should have,
a straight way to go
in our similar
in our lives as is this.

For example, I'm a surfer,
and I think
that the best wave
that I can take
is the wave
that I wait for it.

So please do
our only law
that we can do.

Thank you Vegas!"

And Vegas
(and as well as ourselves)
we could enter
her mind
of endless summer.