
"Give us this day! "

(A meditation on each word(s)
of the Lord's prayer)

Give us this day
to live and share our love.

Give us this day
to take delight in You.

Give us this day
to be peacemakers in this hostile world. 

Give us this day
to be patient in this "me-first" world.

Give us this day
to show kindness to strangers.

Give us this day
to value our friendships.

At the end of this day
may we surrender all back to You
and petition You, 
our heavenly Father
to grant us one more day.

"Give us this day"

(A meditation on each word(s) 
of the Lord's prayer)

The Hand You’re Dealt

Every day
God deals us
our hand
for the day.

Some of us
in resignation.

Some of us
our way 
through the day.

And the rest
play the game
the way the Master 
taught them.

"...our daily bread"

(A meditation on each word(s) 
of the Lord's prayer)

The people of the Empire
wonder why 
the God of abundance
parcels out
His Providence
in daily packages,
the rest of the world
utters a 

The Vast Ocean Begins Just Outside Our Church: The Eucharist

Something has happened
to the bread
and the wine.
They have been blessed.
What now?
The body leans forward
to receive the gift
from the priest’s hand,
then the chalice.

They are something else now
from what they were
before this began.

I want
to see Jesus,
maybe in the clouds
or on the shore,
just walking,
beautiful man
and clearly
someone else

On the hard days
I ask myself
if I ever will.

Also there are times
my body whispers to me
that I have.

Mary Oliver