The Only Journey -M Morford
Sometimes I spend too much
And enjoy it too little,
And find myself with people
Who remind me who I never was
And I wonder what it takes
To find my own people
And walk my own way,
And I remember the term ‘spiritual path’
And wonder how I could ever believe
That I would walk a well-worn trail
And it would take me anywhere
Never explored, or left behind by others.
It’s a ‘spiritual journey’ I’m on
One never traveled before,
Never to be followed
And with an end beyond my knowing.
It’s a journey like no other;
With no final destination,
At least in the usual sense.
My guide posts may never be yours,
And your burdens might seem light,
Or unbearably heavy to me,
But they are never mine,
And I’ll never know the weight you carry in silence.
And our journeys end
With work undone,
Words unsaid,
And dreams abandoned
Like a stranger’s lost baggage.
We usually imagine
That the spiritual journey ends
When the physical one does
And it might,
But I’ve seen too many people
Stop growing in their souls.
Their spiritual vital signs flat-lined years ago,
But they keep breathing
And talk as if they have nothing left to learn
And I know there is nothing more dead
Than the one who keeps talking
When he has nothing left to say.